Re registration - Edu1st

Re registration

Our learning
journey continues

is now open

Until Friday, February 2nd

Read ahead to learn more about your child’s next stage of development

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Infants 3 months – 12 months

Our Infants program prioritizes affection, personalized care, daily multi sensory experiences and a safe but exciting space for discovery, providing a complete environment for babies to thrive and be happy in. Our experienced educators understand that emotional safety comes first for babies, and the importance of respecting each baby’s unique routine and rhythm. Our teachers compliment warmth and fun with rich Thinking Language during play that assure babies wholesome development into autonomous little learners.

Developmental areas for Infants


Your once baby is now a Toddler, eager for exploration, independence, and self-expression. An environment that is warm, challenging, safe, exciting and that fosters autonomy and self-esteem.

Their imagination is at its peak and should be encouraged. This is an important time to challenge their gross motor skills and to develop important cognitive functions.

Our Toddler Program is strategically designed to captivate Toddlers’ innate curiosity and imagination while promoting autonomy. While our hands-on sensory activities surprise them daily and encourage them to explore the world through play, our Thinking Strategies help them comprehend it.

Our experienced educators create a warm environment that prioritizes emotional safety, design a physical space that promotes autonomous exploration; plan exciting activities that surprise Toddlers daily, and use VESS Thinking Strategies to promote deep thinking. 

Developmental areas for Toddlers


As your Toddler turns two, they enter an exciting new chapter! 

Our Two’s Program focuses on deep learning and comprehension of topics, always through each child’s unique interests and learning rhythm. Educators plan hands-on, multi-sensory activities that capture their inquisitiveness and take a “mentor role” as they use our Thinking Strategies to challenge and promote deep understanding. 

With two-year-olds’ growing desire to “do things by themselves,” comes an array of feelings that we take advantage of to help children learn to regulate emotions, value those of others, and develop a growth mindset “I can,” no matter the adversities. 

Our educators promote social skills, conflict resolution, and the value of teamwork through our small group work approach and positive discipline strategies. 

Developmental areas for Two year olds


As your little one turns Three, their inquisitive mind is more active than ever. 

Our PK3 Program takes advantage of this age’s eagerness for discovery and places children in an environment built to potentiate each child’s unique interests. Our Teachers take a “mentor” role, using our Thinking Strategies through play to lead each child towards their own discovery. Pre-reading and writing skills, mathematical concepts, and a scientific mindset are always prioritized, but always through exciting activities that are meaningful to the child and respond to their areas of interest. 

Our small group set-up encourages the sharing of ideas and teamwork. Our main goal is autonomous little learners with the tools and desire to take over the world and make it a better one. 

Developmental areas for Three year olds

Pk4 – Pk5 (VPK)

Our goals for PK4/5 go beyond preparation for Elementary School and into developing Thinking skills that promote their creativity,  out of the box thinking, deep understanding, and problem-solving. We do so by promoting each child’s unique passions and needs in a space with multiple learning setups that respond to various interests and complement this with research-based Thinking Strategies to challenge them intellectually and promote deep comprehension. 

We develop autonomous, adaptable kindergarteners with the tools to build fulfilling and balanced lives beyond school.

We offer FREE VPK during the school year and FREE Summer VPK.

Developmental areas for PK 4-5

Get to know our preschools Vess in florida







Re – Register

Our learning journey continues

Why re-register before February 2nd?

 The re-registration process guarantees your spot for the 2024-2025 school year

Access exclusive discounts only available to our currently enrolled families until February 2nd

Follow these steps to re-register and save your spot for the 2024-2025 school year:

1. Complete the re-registration form by  Friday, February 2nd 2024 (sent via email or visit your school office) 

2. Pay the Re-registration fee before the due date of  Friday, February 2nd 2024.

Re-registration Fee: $600 

Regular Registration Fee after February 2nd: $1000

3. Read our updated statement of policies and sign the Acknowledgement form. 

4. If any child, parent, or guardian information has changed in the last year (Contact information, Emergency contacts, and/or medical information) please contact our school office to be provided with a new enrollment packet.

Note: Families that do not complete the re-registration process will forfeit their spot and will be subject to the full registration fee ($1000) if they decide to register after the due date.

Your child is applicable to re-register if:

Your child is actively enrolled and attending our Preschool Program during the re-registration process and throughout the rest of the school year ((summer included).

Your child’s enrollment is active, and payments are fully paid


Take advantage of this process, make sure you save your child’s spot for the New School Year. Let us continue to provide your family with WOW learning experiences; and prepare your child for the future!

Our preschool Program Includes:

• VESS Curriculum & Thinking Based Bi-Lingual Education: A neuro-science based, holistic approach to the development of the whole child. VESS is thoughtfully crafted to develop a life-long love for learning and exploration, nurture higher-level thinking skills, and develop individuals that are autonomous in acquiring balance, wisdom and purpose throughout their lives.

Enrichment classes: we have integrated our enrichment classes with the purpose of emphasizing physical, cognitive, and social development. The classes included are: Music, P.E. and Mindful Me Yoga.

A daily nutritious well-balanced Lunch with organic and vegetarian options available. Morning and afternoon snacks are also included. Throughout every meal of the day, we help foster habits of Mindful eating that allow your children to be fully immersed in the experience of food in the moment of eating or interacting with it.

Two weeks of vacation (included in your current price). Please note that you will not see an additional credit to your account at your time of vacation., as this was taken into consideration when developing our 24/25 school year rates.

Yes, we do offer VPK! 3 free hours for children that are 4 years old by September 1st, 2023. Parents can choose between 3 free hours during the school year or 8 free hours during the summer (at no additional cost)

• Parents night out are offered two times a month from 7-10 pm. Your children will enjoy a night with friends supervised by our professional school teachers while parents take advantage of a night out!