Coaching VESS I Jardín Infantil Los Grillitos - Edu1stCoaching VESS I Jardín Infantil Los Grillitos - Edu1st

Coaching VESS I Jardín Infantil Los Grillitos

13janAll DayCoaching VESS I Jardín Infantil Los Grillitos

Event Details

Edu1st’s objective, through the onsite coaching, is to perform formative assessments and follow-up to the VESS Culture of Thinking implementation process in the educational institutions. In addition to supporting leaders and teachers, the mentor-coach seeks evidence of the implementation progress according to each stage, and suggests strategies to set the pace for the process of change. This is a space for learning and reflection, an opportunity for individual and institutional growth. In this stage, the Edu1st team focuses its observations on initiation of the changes to models and the building of a Culture of Thinking.

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1 Comment

  1. Great mix of humor and insight! For additional info, click here: READ MORE. Any thoughts?

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